عَ مدار الساعة

المطران فيغانو.. مناشدة للردّ على الاستبداد العالمي..

في مقابلة واسعة النطاق مع الصحفي الإيطالي ألدو ماريا فالي ، ناقش رئيس الأساقفة فيغانو جو بايدن ، حالة الفاتيكان الحالية ، و “الارتباك” المحيط باستقالة البابا بنديكتوس السادس عشر ، والأسبوعين الأخيرين من الصوم الكبير.

AMV: صاحب السعادة، هنا في إيطاليا يتضّح أكثر فأكثر أن هناك فراغًا سياسيًا. لا يشعر عدد متزايد من الإيطاليين بأن الأحزاب السياسية الحالية ممثلة لهم. من ناحية أخرى ، هناك حركات سياسية تستعد بطرق مختلفة لملء هذا الفراغ. يتعلق هذا السؤال أيضًا بالكاثوليك، ربما أكثر من أي شخص آخر ، كما كان واضحًا خلال الاجتماع العام الأول للجنة الحرية في الحقيقة (Free in the Truth Committee) ، والذي تم تشكيله استجابة للنداء المناهض للعولمة الذي وجهته ، بداية مع الأخذ في الاعتبار أننا منذ عامين نتعايش مع كل آثار الانقلاب العالمي. هناك سؤالان في هذا الصدد. أولاً: هل تعتقد أن هناك مجالًا للعمل السياسي من قبل أولئك الذين ينوون معارضة الفكر السائد والقتال من أجل حرية الإنسان كما خلقه الله؟ ثانيًا: هل لا يزال الاستثمار في التزام وطني مفيدًا في حين ثبت الآن أن أكبر القرارات يتم اتخاذها على المستوى فوق الوطني من قبل أشخاص أقوياء قادرين على التأثير وتوجيه خيارات الدول الفردية؟

رئيس الأساقفة فيغانو: للكاثوليك ، كمواطنين ، الحق والواجب في التأثير على المجتمع من خلال مشاركتهم المدنية والسياسية. إن الجلوس والسماح للآخرين بالمشاركة في الحياة السياسية للأمة ، خاصة في الوقت الذي يتم فيه تجاهل مبادئ القانون الطبيعي والأخلاق، لأنها تصرفات غير مسؤولة. صحيح أن النظام الديمقراطي لديه نقاط ضعف ، لأنه يعطي قوة الحكم للأغلبية العددية وليس لما هو صحيح وجيد. ومع ذلك ، يجب أن ندرك أنه أولاً مع مهزلة الوباء والآن مع الأزمة الروسية الأوكرانية ، نفهم الآن أن إرادة الأغلبية ، على الرغم من كل التلاعبات من وسائل الإعلام الرئيسية ، أقل اقتناعاً بالرواية الرسمية. وهذا يدلّ على وجود انقسام بين الطبقة السياسية الحاكمة والمواطنين ، الذين يدركون أن انقلابًا تم تنفيذه ضدهم من قبل مافيا من البيروقراطيين والقادة السياسيين الذين تم استعبادهم للنخبة العالمية.

بمجرد أن يفهم الناس حدوث انقلاب صامت ، سيتعين عليهم الرد ومعارضة الديكتاتورية قبل حرمانهم من الحقوق الأساسية الأخرى.

AMV: في دعوتك من أجل تحالف مناهض للعولمة ، قمت بدعوة الحكام والقادة السياسيين والدينيين والمثقفين وأصحاب النوايا الحسنة إلى الاتحاد ، ودعوتهم جميعًا للانضمام معًا في إصدار بيان مناهض للعولمة. هل يمكنك إطلاعنا على آخر التطورات مع هذه المبادرة في إيطاليا وأماكن أخرى؟

رئيس الأساقفة فيغانو: لقد أصدرت مناشدة للردّ على الاستبداد العالمي ، وأرى أن الاهتمام والدعم له يتزايدان من عدة جهات مختلفة في دول مختلفة. ومع ذلك ، أعتقد أن الدليل على المسؤول عن الأزمة الروسية الأوكرانية ، وحماقة الإصرار على الاستفزازات بدلاً من السعي وراء السلام ، ستجعل الكثير من الناس يفهمون الخطر الذي يتعرضون له إذا لم ينتظموا من أجل مقاومة انقلاب الدولة العميقة.

أعلم أنه في الولايات المتحدة لاقت المبادرة استقبالًا حارًا ليس فقط بين الجمهوريين ولكن أيضًا بين العديد من الناخبين الديمقراطيين الذين يشعرون بالاشمئزاز من فضائح وفساد أوباما وكلينتون وبايدن.

AMV: في مناشدتك تتحدث عن “حركات مقاومة شعبية ولجان تحرر وطني” من أجل إصلاح جذري للسياسة. ومع ذلك ، في رأي البعض ، في الوضع الحالي لا يوجد توتر أخلاقي مناسب لأن الرأي العام راضٍ إلى حد كبير ونائم. كيف ترد على هذا الاعتراض بناءً على اتصالاتك في جميع أنحاء العالم؟

معظم الناس يميلون قليلاً إلى التعبئة من أجل العمل ، خاصةً إذا تم التلاعب بهم وتخديرهم من قبل خبراء في علم النفس الاجتماعي. المقاومة الحقيقية وتشكيل لجنة التحرير الوطني ستكون ناجحة إذا تم تنسيقها من قبل مفكرين وسياسيين يعرفون كيف يضعون الصالح العام والدفاع عن العدالة على مصالحهم السياسية. نحن بحاجة لقادة شجعان يتمتعون بشعور من الفخامة ، تحفزهم مبادئ أخلاقية سليمة: مثالهم ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع إيقاظ الضمائر وعودة الكرامة بين القضاة ، وإنفاذ القانون ، والمسؤولين العموميين ، يمكن أن يمنع حقًا ظهور الجديد. النظام العالمي.

من الواضح أن الالتزام الاجتماعي والسياسي يجب أن يقترن بمنظور خارق للطبيعة ، يوحد العمل بالصلاة الواثقة في مساعدة العناية الإلهية. لذلك فإن الكهنة والرهبان وجميع المؤمنين مدعوون لمرافقة إخوتهم وأخواتهم روحياً في الجهاد الحسن ، ليس فقط بالصلاة ولكن أيضًا بالتوبة والصوم والاستقبال المتكرر للأسرار. إن رحمة الله والشفاعة القوية للسيدة العذراء المباركة تنتظر منا بادرة ملموسة من الاهتداء الحقيقي من أجل سكب سيل من النعم على البشرية الفقيرة. وبالتالي ، فإن دونيتنا العددية وافتقارنا إلى الوسائل أمام العدو سيوفران فرصة للرب لإظهار حقيقة كلامه: لا يمكنك فعل أي شيء بدوني. (يو 15 ، 5).

AMV: أحد أسباب حدوث الانقلاب العالمي واستمراره هو أن أعلى مستوى من سلطة الكنيسة الكاثوليكية لم يعد ضامنًا للحرية فيما يتعلق بالكرامة الإنسانية. بدلاً من ذلك ، فهو مستعبد للنظام العالمي الجديد ، ويتحدث نفس لغة دعاة العولمة ويتبع نفس مصالح النخب المهيمنة. يبدو أن هذا الخضوع لأجندة العولمة ، والذي هو مصدر معاناة كبيرة للعديد من الكاثوليك ، يقضي على كل أمل في ولادة جديدة للمسيحيين. يلعب عامل الوقت دورًا مهمًا في هذا. كلما طالت مدة هذه البابوية ، كلما أصبحت الكنيسة أكثر انسجامًا مع المشروع العام ، حتى إلى حد تدمير الذات. هل تعتقد أن التعافي سيكون ممكنًا بعد عهد بيرجوليو؟ ماذا ترى في الأفق؟

رئيس الأساقفة فيغانو: كان تواطؤ الكنيسة البرغولية والعالم بأسره مع أسقفية العالم بأسره مع مهزلة الجائحة النفسية إحدى نقاط الضعف في التسلسل الهرمي في تاريخ الكنيسة بأكمله. لكن هذه هي النتيجة المنطقية لإيديولوجية فاسدة ومفسدة تجد أساسها في الفاتيكان الثاني ، كما يفخر مبدعوها بتكرارها.

قبل أيام قليلة فقط ، في 25 مارس ، اجتمع متآمرون آخرون في شيكاغو لتنسيق عملية تسويقية للتأكيد على أن من يعارض بيرغوليو يعارض المجلس. بالإضافة إلى السمعة السيئة لهؤلاء المتآمرين – ومن بينهم حاشية ماكاريك وأتباعه – لا يسعنا إلا أن نتفق معهم على العلاقة الجوهرية بين السرطان المجمع والورم الخبيث في برجوجليان. من الواضح أن ارتداد الهيكل الهرمي الكاثوليكي هو العقوبة التي يبتلى بها الجلالة الإلهية البشرية المتمردة والخاطئة ، بحيث يعترف بحقوق الله السيادية ، ويتحول ، ويعود أخيرًا تحت نير المسيح اللطيف. وطالما أن الأساقفة لا يعترفون بخيانتهم ويتوبون عنها ، فلا أمل ممكن للعالم ، لأن الخلاص لا يمكن أن يكون إلا في قطيع واحد تحت الراعي الواحد.

AMV: تم مؤخرًا تعميم مذكرة بين أعضاء الكلية المقدسة ، موقعة بالاسم المستعار Demos ، والتي تسرد الكوارث التي حدثت على كل المستويات (مذهبية ، رعوية ، إدارية ، اقتصادية ، تشريعية) من قبل حبرية بيرغوليو. وعلق البعض “أن تأتي متأخرا أفضل من ألا تأتي أبدا” ، بينما قال آخرون: “لا فائدة من إغلاق باب الحظيرة بعد هروب جميع الخيول”. ما رأيك في هذه المذكرة؟ هل تعتقد أنه كتبه كاردينال؟ هل هي أعراض تأخر الوعي؟

رئيس الأساقفة فيغانو: تسرد هذه المذكرة أهوال “البابوية” البرغولية. إن القيام بذلك هو بالفعل خطوة للأمام مقارنة بالثناء عليه. لكن أهوال وأخطاء الأرجنتيني ومحكمته لم تظهر من العدم ، وكأن كل شيء في الأحبار السابقة كان ممتازًا ورائعًا. بدأت الأزمة مع الفاتيكان الثاني: إن التنديد بأعراض المرض دون فهم أسبابه عملية غير مجدية وضارة. إذا لم يتم إقناع كلية الكرادلة بضرورة العودة إلى ما كانت الكنيسة تؤمن به ، وعلمته ، واحتفلت به حتى بيوس الثاني عشر ، فإن كل معارضة للنظام الحالي ستحكم عليها بالفشل المؤكد.

AMV: برأيك ، هل يوجد شخص داخل كلية الكرادلة يتمتع بالمصداقية والكاثوليكية الأصيلة ، يمكن للكرادلة أن يركزوا أصواتهم عليه في اجتماع سري من أجل إحداث تغيير كلي في اللحن مقارنة بالبابوية الحالية؟

رئيس الأساقفة فيغانو: بعض الباباوات ، دعونا لا ننسى ، مُنحوا [للكنيسة] ؛ أُلحق بها آخرون. لكن قبل مناقشة الاجتماع الكونكلاف التالي ، من الضروري إلقاء الضوء على تنازل بنديكتوس السادس عشر عن العرش ومسألة التلاعب في الكونكلاف 2013 ، والذي يجب أن يكون عاجلاً أم آجلاً موضوع تحقيق رسمي.

إذا ثبت أن هناك أي دليل على وجود مخالفة ، فسيكون المجلس الكونكلافي باطلاً وسيكون انتخاب بيرجوليو باطلاً ، تمامًا كما ستكون جميع تعييناته وأعمال الحكم والأقوال القضائية باطلة. سيكون إعادة تعيين من شأنه أن يعيدنا بشكل تدريجي إلى الوضع السابق ، مع كلية من الكرادلة تتكون فقط من هؤلاء الكرادلة الذين تم تعيينهم حتى وقت بنديكتوس السادس عشر ، مما أدى إلى طرد كل أولئك الذين تم إنشاؤهم منذ عام 2013 والذين اشتهروا فائق التقدم.

من المؤكد أن الوضع الحالي ، مع انتشار كل الشائعات حول استقالة راتزينغر وانتخاب بيرغوليو ، لا يساعد الجسد الكنسي ويخلق الارتباك والارتباك بين المؤمنين.

هنا أيضًا ، يمكن للكاثوليك أن يتوسلوا إلى الجلالة الإلهية لتجنيب كنيسته المزيد من الإذلال بمنحها البابا الصالح. إذا كان هناك كاردينال يريد حقًا “تغيير النغمة” ، دعه يتقدم – ومن أجل محبة الله – قد يتوقف عن الإشارة إلى الفاتيكان الثاني ويفكر بدلاً من ذلك في تقديس الإكليروس والمؤمنين.

AMV: في الولايات المتحدة ، تواجه إدارة بايدن مشاكل متزايدة ، والرئيس يظهر بشكل متزايد عدم كفاءته ؛ ومع ذلك ، بسبب التحالفات وتقاطع المصالح على أعلى مستوى ، يبدو أنه من المستحيل إسقاط بيت الورق هذا. ماذا يفعل ترامب؟ هل يمكنك مساعدتنا في فهم أفضل للوضع الأمريكي ، الذي أنت خبير فيه؟

رئيس الأساقفة فيغانو: إدارة بايدن هي مرآة للفساد السائد بشكل عام في الشؤون العامة دون أي اعتبار للمبادئ الأخلاقية الثابتة للإنجيل. وإذا تجرأ سياسي يؤيد الإجهاض والقتل الرحيم وأيديولوجية النوع الاجتماعي وكل الانحرافات الأسوأ على تسمية نفسه كاثوليكي ، يجب أن نسأل ما هي مسؤولية المعلمين والمربين والكهنة الذين تشكل هذا السياسي. ماذا علّمه كاهن رعيته في دروسه في التعليم المسيحي؟ ماذا علمه أستاذه في جامعته الكاثوليكية؟ ما هو التوجيه الذي قدمه له المرشد الروحي للزعيم السياسي المستقبلي؟

وهذا يعيدنا إلى نقطة البداية: الفاتيكان الثاني ، الذي بدلًا من تحويل العالم إلى الكنيسة حول الكنيسة إلى العالم ، جاعلًا تبشيرها غير مثمر. كان هناك الكثير من الحديث عن “الكنيسة التبشيرية” ، ولكن في الوقت نفسه ، أصبح الوعظ دعاية لمثل خيرية سخيفة ، وأيديولوجيات يسارية متعبة ، وشعارات سلمية فارغة. وانظروا إلى ما ظهر من تلك المدارس اليسوعية ، كريمي دي لا كريم للفاتيكان الثاني: أناس مثل بيلوسي وبايدن ، الذين ليس لديهم أي شيء كاثوليكي عنهم لكنهم يقدمون أنفسهم مع الإفلات من العقاب لتلقي القربان مقابل تصفيق الأساقفة وحتى تصفيق بيرغوليو نفسه.

لقد حرصت الأسقفية الأمريكية ، التي كانت حريصة جدًا على إرضاء بيرغوليو ، على عدم إدانة برنامج الحزب الديمقراطي ، على الرغم من أنها لم تتردد في الهجوم على الرئيس ترامب ، الذي ، حتى مع كل تناقضاته ، دافع بالتأكيد عن مبادئ الطبيعة. القانون وقدسية الحياة بطريقة أكثر فاعلية واقتناعا.

تُظهر لنا الأزمة الروسية الأوكرانية بايدن الذي هو دمية في يد الدولة العميقة ، ويمنع بعناد السلام في الصراع الحالي لأنه قلق للغاية من التستر على فضائحه وفضائح ابنه هانتر: أفكر على سبيل المثال في Burisma والمصالح الأمريكية في البيولابس في أوكرانيا. إذا أدت الأدلة إلى توجيه الاتهام إلى هانتر بايدن وأثبتت تورط والده جو ، فإن المساءلة ستكون حتمية ومبررة بشكل كبير ، وقد يؤدي ذلك إلى عودة ترامب إلى السلطة. في غضون ذلك ، إذا أظهرت التحقيقات الجارية وجود تزوير انتخابي [في عام 2020] ، يمكن إعلان ترامب رئيسًا. وستكون هذه ضربة قاتلة للدولة العميقة وإعادة التعيين العظيم.

AMV: قضية COVID والآن قضية الحرب في أوكرانيا قد سلطت الضوء على وجود اختلافات عميقة – يمكننا أن نقول الاختلافات الأنثروبولوجية حتى قبل أن تكون اختلافات ثقافية وسياسية – بين أولئك الذين يدركون مشكلة التكييف الذي نتعامل معه لقد تعرضوا للعمل المنسق المستمر من قبل “رؤساء الفكر” وأولئك الذين يقبلون بدلاً من ذلك السرد السائد ويصطفون مع العقائد المفروضة. في مواجهة هذه الاختلافات التي تفرق حتى الأشخاص الذين تجمعهم الروابط الأسرية والصداقة ، كيف يجب أن نتصرف كمؤمنين لنشهد للحقيقة دون الخضوع لإغراء “عسكرة” الضمائر؟

رئيس الأساقفة فيغانو: إن التلاعب بالضمير يشكل انتهاكًا حقيقيًا للحرية الفردية ، مما يؤدي إلى إضعاف قدراته مما قد يؤثر بدوره على أخلاقيات أفعاله. يعلم علم النفس الاجتماعي أن أي شخص يخضع للتكيف العقلي وفقًا لتقنيات محددة سينتهي به الأمر بالتصرف من خلال إصدار حكمه المتدهور أو حتى الامتناع عن تكوين تقييم أخلاقي لأفعاله: فكر في القوة الدافعة لمثال الجماهير ، القوة التي يمارسها الحكم الاجتماعي على سلوكنا ، وقوة التهديد بالعقوبات التي تُستخدم لجعلنا “نحترم القواعد” ، وعلى العكس من إغراء الجوائز والمكافآت التي تُستخدم لحثنا على التصرف “بمسؤولية اجتماعية”.

هذا ، على سبيل المثال ، هو الأساس الذي بُنيت عليه مهزلة الوباء ، حيث تم تنفيذ جميع مبادئ التلاعب الجماعي بنجاح كبير ، دون أن يكون هناك رد فعل جماهيري مكافئ ضدهم من قبل أولئك الذين حرموا من الحقوق والعمل والرواتب. والقدرة على السفر.

كما تحمل المؤمنون ، كأعضاء في المجتمع ، دعاية النظام مع COVID ، في ظل الظروف المشددة المتمثلة في تصديق السلطات المدنية ودعمها من قبل السلطة الكنسية ، مما دفع الكاثوليك إلى الانصياع دون تمحيص لعمليات الإغلاق واستخدام الأقنعة والإدارة. للعلاج الجيني التجريبي غير مقبول أخلاقيا. لذلك يجب الاعتراف بأن مسؤولية قبول الجائحة النفسية وحملة اللقاح تقع بالكامل تقريبًا على عاتق رعاة الكنيسة ، وخاصة على عاتق بيرغوليو ، الذي لا يخفي دعمه غير المشروط للنظام العالمي الجديد ، المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي ، والأيديولوجية العالمية.

أنت تتحدث معي عن “عسكرة” الضمائر كما لو كان هذا أمرًا مؤسفًا. قال ربنا: “من الآن فصاعدًا ينقسم بيت من خمسة ، ثلاثة على اثنين واثنين على ثلاثة ؛ الأب ضد الابن والابن ضد الأب ، والأم ضد البنت والبنت ضد الأم ، والوالدة ضد الزوجة والزوجة ضد حماتها “(لوقا 12: 52-53). ومرة أخرى: “يسلم الأخ أخاه للموت ، وينتفض الأب ابنه والأطفال على والديهم ويقتلونهم. سوف يكرهك الجميع بسبب اسمي ؛ ولكن من يصبر إلى المنتهى يخلص “(متى 10: 21-22).

كيف يمكننا أن نعتقد أنه في مواجهة انتشار قوى الشر وهجوم النظام العالمي الجديد ضد المجتمع وضد المسيح ، سيكون من الممكن تجنب “عسكرة” ضمائرنا ، إذا كنا نعني بهذا التعبير العطاء الشهادة الشجاعة للمسيح والمسيح المصلوب؟

الحقيقة ليست هراوة تضرب بها من يتجاهلها ، بل هي ضوء لا يمكن إخفاؤه تحت سلة بوشل ، ضوء ربما يبهر في البداية ، لكن الضوء لا يمكن تجاهله من قبل أصحاب النوايا الحسنة والصحيحة. الضمير. من لا يريد أن يرى ذلك النور – الذي هو دائمًا شعاع من نور العالم الوحيد الذي هو المسيح – ينحاز إلى الظلمة ويجب مساعدته ، بالمحبة ، للخروج من الظلام. هذا صحيح تمامًا بالنسبة لأحبائنا: غالبًا ما تتصدع قناعاتهم الخاطئة عندما يقابلهم رد فعلنا الصبور دون عداء ، وبمرور الوقت فهموا أن “نظرية المؤامرة” الخاصة بنا كانت ببساطة تتوقع بعقل وبصيرة تلك الأشياء التي بعد ذلك بوقت قصير ستكون المعرفة العامة. بالطبع ، من الأسهل فهم خداع الوباء النفسي أكثر من الخداع الأعظم الذي فُرض من قبل الحداثيين مع المجلس.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – In a wide-ranging interview with Italian journalist Aldo Maria Valli, Archbishop Viganò discusses Joe Biden, the state of the current Vatican, the ‘confusion’ surrounding Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation, and the final two weeks of Lent.

AMV: Your excellency, here in Italy it is more and more apparent that there is a political vacuum. A growing number of Italians do not feel that they are represented by the current political parties. On the other hand, there are political movements that are gearing up in different ways to fill this void. This question also concerns Catholics, perhaps more than anyone else, as was apparent during the first public meeting of the Comitato Liberi in Veritate [Free in the Truth Committee], which was formed in response to the anti-globalist appeal that you issued, beginning with the consideration that for two years now we have been living with all the effects of a global coup. There are two questions in this regard. First: Do you think that there is room for political action by those who intend to oppose the dominant aligned thought and fight for the liberty of man as God has created him? Second: is it still useful to invest in a national commitment when it has now been demonstrated that the biggest decisions are being made at the supra-national level by powerful people who are able to influence and direct the choices of individual nations?

Archbishop Viganò: Catholics, as citizens, have the right and duty to influence society by their civic and political involvement. To sit back and let others participate in the political life of the nation, especially at a moment when the principles of the natural law and morality are ignored or openly opposed, would be irresponsible. It is true that the democratic system has its weak points, because it gives the power of governance to the numerical majority rather than to what is right and good. However, we ought to recognize that first with the pandemic farce and now with the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, we now understand that the will of the majority, despite all the manipulations of the mainstream media, is less and less convinced of the official narrative. This shows that there is a split between the ruling political class and citizens, who are realizing that a coup has been carried out against them by a mafia of bureaucrats and political leaders who are enslaved to the globalist elite.

As soon as people understand that a silent coup is happening, they will have to react and oppose the dictatorship before they are deprived of other fundamental rights.

AMV: In your Appeal for an anti-globalist alliance, you have called rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals, and people of good will to unite, inviting all of them to join together in issuing an anti-globalist manifesto. Can you update us on the latest developments with this initiative in Italy and elsewhere?

Archbishop Viganò: issued an Appeal in order to respond to the globalist tyranny, and I see that interest and support for it is growing from many different quarters in various nations. I believe however that the evidence of who is responsible for the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, and the folly of insisting on provocations rather than seeking peace, will make many people understand the danger to which they are exposed if they do not organize in order to firmly resist the deep state’s coup.

I know that in the United States the initiative has found a warm reception not only among Republicans but also among many Democrat voters who are disgusted by the scandals and corruption of Obama, the Clintons, and the Bidens.

AMV: In your Appeal you speak of real “popular movements of resistance and committees of national liberation” for a radical reform of politics. In the opinion of some, however, in the present situation there is not a suitable moral tension because public opinion is largely complacent and asleep. How would you respond to this objection based on your contacts all over the world?

Most people are little inclined to moblilize for action, especially if they have been manipulated and sedated by experts in social psychology. True resistance and the establishment of the Committee of National Liberation will be successful if it is coordinated by intellectuals and politicians who know how to place the common good and the defense of justice before their own political advantage. We need courageous leaders with a sense of honor, who are animated by sound moral principles: their example, along with a reawakening of consciences and a resurgence of dignity among judges, law enforcement, and public officials, could truly prevent the advent of the New World Order.

Social and political commitment must obviously be combined with a supernatural perspective, uniting action to prayer that is confident in the help of Divine Providence. Priests, religious, and all the faithful are therefore called to spiritually accompany their brothers and sisters in the good fight, not only with prayer but also with penance, fasting, and the frequent reception of the Sacraments. The Mercy of God and the powerful intercession of Most Blessed Virgin await a concrete gesture from us of true conversion in order to pour out a torrent of graces on poor humanity. Thus, our numerical inferiority and our lack of means before the enemy will provide an opportunity for the Lord to show the truth of His words: Sine me nihil potestis facere – Without me you can do nothing. (Jn 15:5).

AMV: One of the reasons the globalist coup took place and continues to unfold is that the highest level of authority of the Catholic Church is no longer a guarantor of freedom with respect to human dignity. Instead, it is enslaved to the New World Order, speaks the same language as the globalists and follows the same interests as the dominant elites. This subservience to the globalist agenda, which is a source of great suffering for so many Catholics, seems to extinguish all hope for a Christian rebirth. The time factor plays an important role in this. The longer this pontificate lasts, the more the Church is becoming aligned with the overall project, even to the point of self-destruction. Do you think that a recovery will be possible after Bergoglio’s reign? What do you see on the horizon?

Archbishop Viganò: The complicity of the Bergoglian church and the entire world Episcopate with the psycho-pandemic farce marked one of the low points of the Hierarchy in the entire history of the Church. But this is the logical consequence of a corrupt and corrupting ideology that finds its basis in Vatican II, as its creators are proud to reiterate.

Just a few days ago, on March 25, other conspirators gathered in Chicago to coordinate a marketing operation with which to emphasize that whoever opposes Bergoglio opposes the Council. Beyond the poor reputation of these conspirators – among whom McCarrick’s courtiers and minions stand out – we cannot help but agree with them on the intrinsic relationship between the conciliar cancer and the Bergoglian metastasis. It is evident that the apostasy of the Catholic hierarchy is the punishment with which the Divine Majesty is afflicting rebellious and sinful humanity, so that it recognizes the sovereign rights of God, converts, and finally returns under the gentle yoke of Christ. And as long as the Bishops do not recognize their betrayal and repent of it, no hope is possible for the world, since salvation can only be had in the one Flock under the one Shepherd.

AMV: Recently a memorandum circulated among the members of the Sacred College, signed with the pseudonym Demos, which lists the disasters that have been caused at every level (doctrinal, pastoral, managerial, economic, legislative) by Bergoglio’s pontificate. “Better late than never,” some have commented, while others have said: “There’s no point in closing the barn door after all the horses have escaped.” What do you think about this memorandum? Do you think it was written by a cardinal? Is it the symptom of a belated awareness?

Archbishop Viganò: This memorandum lists the horrors of the Bergoglian “pontificate.” Doing so is already a step forward compared to extolling him. But the horrors and errors of the Argentine and his court did not appear out of nowhere, as if in the preceding Pontificates everything was perfect and wonderful. The crisis began with Vatican II: deploring the symptoms of an illness without understanding its causes is a useless and harmful operation. If the College of Cardinals is not persuaded that it is necessary to return to what the Church believed, taught, and celebrated up until Pius XII, all opposition to the present regime will be doomed to certain failure.

AMV: In your opinion, is there someone within the College of Cardinals who is credible and authentically Catholic on whom the Cardinals could focus their votes in a conclave in order to effect a total change of tune compared to the current pontificate?

Archbishop Viganò: Certain popes, let’s not forget, are granted [to the Church]; others are inflicted [on her]. But before discussing the next Conclave, it is necessary to shed light on the abdication of Benedict XVI and the question of the manipulation of the 2013 Conclave, which sooner or later ought to be the subject of an official investigation.

If there proves to be any evidence of irregularity, the Conclave would be null and the election of Bergoglio would be null, just as all of his appointments, acts of governance, and magisterial utterances would be null. It would be a reset that would providentially bring us back to the status quo ante, with a College of Cardinals composed only of those Cardinals who were appointed up to the time of Benedict XVI, ousting all those who have been created since 2013 who are notoriously ultraprogressive.

Certainly the present situation, with all of the rumors circulating about Ratzinger’s resignation and Bergoglio’s election, does not help the ecclesial body and creates confusion and disorientation among the faithful.

Here too, Catholics can implore the Divine Majesty to spare His Church further humiliations by granting her a good Pope. If there is a Cardinal that really wants to “change the tune,” let him come forward and – for the love of God – may he stop referring to Vatican II and instead think of the sanctification of the Clergy and the faithful.

AMV: In the United States, the Biden Administration is increasingly in trouble, and the President is increasingly showing his inadequacy; and yet, because of alliances and the intersection of interests at the highest level, it seems impossible to bring down this house of cards. What is Trump doing? Can you help us to better understand the American situation, on which you are an expert?

Archbishop Viganò:The Biden Administration is a mirror of the corruption that prevails generally in public affairs with no regard for the immutable moral principles of the Gospel. And if a politician who favors abortion, euthanasia, gender ideology, and all of the worst deviations dares to call himself a Catholic, we must ask what is the responsibility of the teachers, educators, and priests by whom this politician was formed. What did his parish priest teach him in his catechism lessons? What did his professor at his Catholic university teach him? What guidance did the future political leader’s spiritual director give him?

And this brings us back to our starting point: Vatican II, which instead of converting the world to the Church converted the Church to the world, making her evangelization fruitless. There was much talk of the “missionary Church,” but, simultaneously, preaching became the propaganda of fatuous philanthropic ideals, tired leftist ideologies, and empty pacifist slogans. And behold what has emerged from those Jesuit schools, the crème de la crème of Vatican II: people like Pelosi and Biden, who have nothing Catholic about them but present themselves with impunity to receive Communion to the applause of Bishops and even of Bergoglio himself.

The American Episcopate, too careful to please Bergoglio, has indeed been very careful not to condemn the Democratic Party platform, even though it did not hesitate to lash out against President Trump who, even with all his contradictions, definitely defended the principles of the natural law and the sanctity of life in a more effective and convinced way.

The Russian-Ukrainian crisis is showing us a Biden who is a puppet of the deep state, stubbornly preventing peace in the present conflict because he is too concerned with covering up his own scandals and those of his son Hunter: I am thinking for example of Burisma and the American interests in biolabs in Ukraine. If the evidence leads to the indictment of Hunter Biden and proves the involvement of his father Joe, impeachment will be inevitable and amply justified, and this could lead Trump back into power. If, in the meantime, the ongoing investigations demonstrate that there was electoral fraud [in 2020], Trump could be proclaimed President. And this would be a mortal blow for the deep state and the Great Reset.  

AMV: The COVID affair and now the affair of the war in Ukraine have brought to light the existence of profound differences – we could say anthropological differences even before they are cultural and political differences – between those who perceive the problem of the conditioning to which we have been subjected by the constant coordinated action of the “thought bosses” and those who instead accept the dominant narrative and align themselves with the imposed dogmas. Faced with such differences, which are dividing even people united by family ties and friendship, how should we conduct ourselves, as believers, in order to testify to the Truth without yielding to the temptation of the “militarization” of consciences?

Archbishop Viganò: The manipulation of consciences constitutes a real violation of individual liberty, leading to the dulling of his faculties which can in turn affect the morality of his actions. Social psychology teaches that anyone who is subjected to mental conditioning according to specific techniques will end up acting by staggering his judgment or even abstaining from forming a moral evaluation of his actions: think of the driving force of the example of the mass populace, of the power that social judgment exercises over our behavior, of the force of the threat of sanctions that is used to make us “respect the rules,” and conversely of the seduction of prizes and rewards that are used to make us act “socially responsibly.”

This is, for example, the foundation on which the pandemic farce was built, in which all the principles of mass manipulation were implemented with great success, without there being an equivalent mass reaction against them by those who were deprived of rights, work, salary, and the ability to travel.

The faithful, as members of society, also endured the regime propaganda with COVID, with the aggravating circumstance that the civil authorities were ratified and supported by ecclesiastical authority, who therefore led Catholics to uncritically obey the lockdowns, the use of masks, and the administration of a morally unacceptable experimental gene therapy. It must therefore be recognized that responsibility for the acceptance of the psychopandemic and the vaccine campaign rests almost entirely with the Pastors of the Church, and especially with Bergoglio, who makes no secret of his unconditional support for the New World Order, the World Economic Forum, and the globalist ideology.

You speak to me of the “militarization” of consciences as if this was a deplorable thing. Our Lord said: “From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three; father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law” (Lk 12:52-53). And again: “Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his son, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by all because of my name; but whoever perseveres to the end will be saved” (Mt 10:21-22).

How can we think that in the face of the unfolding of the forces of evil and the attack of the New World Order against society and against Christ it will be possible to avoid the “militarization” of our consciences, if by this expression we mean giving courageous testimony to Christ, and to Christ Crucified?

The truth is not a club with which to strike those who ignore it, but rather a light that cannot be hidden under a bushel basket, a light that may perhaps dazzle at first, but a light cannot be ignored by people of good will and right conscience. Whoever does not want to see that light – which is always a ray of the one Light of the world who is Christ – takes sides with the darkness and must be helped, with Charity, to come out of the darkness. This is all the more true for our loved ones: their erroneous convictions often crack when they are met by our patient response without animosity, and over time they come to understand that our “conspiracy theory” was simply anticipating with reason and insight those things that shortly thereafter would be public knowledge. Of course, it is easier to understand the deception of the psychopandemic than the much greater deception that was hatched by the Modernists with the Council.

AMV: Your excellency, here in Italy it is more and more apparent that there is a political vacuum. A growing number of Italians do not feel that they are represented by the current political parties. On the other hand, there are political movements that are gearing up in different ways to fill this void. This question also concerns Catholics, perhaps more than anyone else, as was apparent during the first public meeting of the Comitato Liberi in Veritate [Free in the Truth Committee], which was formed in response to the anti-globalist appeal that you issued, beginning with the consideration that for two years now we have been living with all the effects of a global coup. There are two questions in this regard. First: Do you think that there is room for political action by those who intend to oppose the dominant aligned thought and fight for the liberty of man as God has created him? Second: is it still useful to invest in a national commitment when it has now been demonstrated that the biggest decisions are being made at the supra-national level by powerful people who are able to influence and direct the choices of individual nations?

Archbishop Viganò: Catholics, as citizens, have the right and duty to influence society by their civic and political involvement. To sit back and let others participate in the political life of the nation, especially at a moment when the principles of the natural law and morality are ignored or openly opposed, would be irresponsible. It is true that the democratic system has its weak points, because it gives the power of governance to the numerical majority rather than to what is right and good. However, we ought to recognize that first with the pandemic farce and now with the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, we now understand that the will of the majority, despite all the manipulations of the mainstream media, is less and less convinced of the official narrative. This shows that there is a split between the ruling political class and citizens, who are realizing that a coup has been carried out against them by a mafia of bureaucrats and political leaders who are enslaved to the globalist elite.

As soon as people understand that a silent coup is happening, they will have to react and oppose the dictatorship before they are deprived of other fundamental rights.

AMV: In your Appeal for an anti-globalist alliance, you have called rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals, and people of good will to unite, inviting all of them to join together in issuing an anti-globalist manifesto. Can you update us on the latest developments with this initiative in Italy and elsewhere?

Archbishop Viganò: issued an Appeal in order to respond to the globalist tyranny, and I see that interest and support for it is growing from many different quarters in various nations. I believe however that the evidence of who is responsible for the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, and the folly of insisting on provocations rather than seeking peace, will make many people understand the danger to which they are exposed if they do not organize in order to firmly resist the deep state’s coup.

I know that in the United States the initiative has found a warm reception not only among Republicans but also among many Democrat voters who are disgusted by the scandals and corruption of Obama, the Clintons, and the Bidens.

AMV: In your Appeal you speak of real “popular movements of resistance and committees of national liberation” for a radical reform of politics. In the opinion of some, however, in the present situation there is not a suitable moral tension because public opinion is largely complacent and asleep. How would you respond to this objection based on your contacts all over the world?

Most people are little inclined to moblilize for action, especially if they have been manipulated and sedated by experts in social psychology. True resistance and the establishment of the Committee of National Liberation will be successful if it is coordinated by intellectuals and politicians who know how to place the common good and the defense of justice before their own political advantage. We need courageous leaders with a sense of honor, who are animated by sound moral principles: their example, along with a reawakening of consciences and a resurgence of dignity among judges, law enforcement, and public officials, could truly prevent the advent of the New World Order.

Social and political commitment must obviously be combined with a supernatural perspective, uniting action to prayer that is confident in the help of Divine Providence. Priests, religious, and all the faithful are therefore called to spiritually accompany their brothers and sisters in the good fight, not only with prayer but also with penance, fasting, and the frequent reception of the Sacraments. The Mercy of God and the powerful intercession of Most Blessed Virgin await a concrete gesture from us of true conversion in order to pour out a torrent of graces on poor humanity. Thus, our numerical inferiority and our lack of means before the enemy will provide an opportunity for the Lord to show the truth of His words: Sine me nihil potestis facere – Without me you can do nothing. (Jn 15:5).

AMV: One of the reasons the globalist coup took place and continues to unfold is that the highest level of authority of the Catholic Church is no longer a guarantor of freedom with respect to human dignity. Instead, it is enslaved to the New World Order, speaks the same language as the globalists and follows the same interests as the dominant elites. This subservience to the globalist agenda, which is a source of great suffering for so many Catholics, seems to extinguish all hope for a Christian rebirth. The time factor plays an important role in this. The longer this pontificate lasts, the more the Church is becoming aligned with the overall project, even to the point of self-destruction. Do you think that a recovery will be possible after Bergoglio’s reign? What do you see on the horizon?

Archbishop Viganò: The complicity of the Bergoglian church and the entire world Episcopate with the psycho-pandemic farce marked one of the low points of the Hierarchy in the entire history of the Church. But this is the logical consequence of a corrupt and corrupting ideology that finds its basis in Vatican II, as its creators are proud to reiterate.

Just a few days ago, on March 25, other conspirators gathered in Chicago to coordinate a marketing operation with which to emphasize that whoever opposes Bergoglio opposes the Council. Beyond the poor reputation of these conspirators – among whom McCarrick’s courtiers and minions stand out – we cannot help but agree with them on the intrinsic relationship between the conciliar cancer and the Bergoglian metastasis. It is evident that the apostasy of the Catholic hierarchy is the punishment with which the Divine Majesty is afflicting rebellious and sinful humanity, so that it recognizes the sovereign rights of God, converts, and finally returns under the gentle yoke of Christ. And as long as the Bishops do not recognize their betrayal and repent of it, no hope is possible for the world, since salvation can only be had in the one Flock under the one Shepherd.

AMV: Recently a memorandum circulated among the members of the Sacred College, signed with the pseudonym Demos, which lists the disasters that have been caused at every level (doctrinal, pastoral, managerial, economic, legislative) by Bergoglio’s pontificate. “Better late than never,” some have commented, while others have said: “There’s no point in closing the barn door after all the horses have escaped.” What do you think about this memorandum? Do you think it was written by a cardinal? Is it the symptom of a belated awareness?

Archbishop Viganò: This memorandum lists the horrors of the Bergoglian “pontificate.” Doing so is already a step forward compared to extolling him. But the horrors and errors of the Argentine and his court did not appear out of nowhere, as if in the preceding Pontificates everything was perfect and wonderful. The crisis began with Vatican II: deploring the symptoms of an illness without understanding its causes is a useless and harmful operation. If the College of Cardinals is not persuaded that it is necessary to return to what the Church believed, taught, and celebrated up until Pius XII, all opposition to the present regime will be doomed to certain failure.

AMV: In your opinion, is there someone within the College of Cardinals who is credible and authentically Catholic on whom the Cardinals could focus their votes in a conclave in order to effect a total change of tune compared to the current pontificate?

Archbishop Viganò: Certain popes, let’s not forget, are granted [to the Church]; others are inflicted [on her]. But before discussing the next Conclave, it is necessary to shed light on the abdication of Benedict XVI and the question of the manipulation of the 2013 Conclave, which sooner or later ought to be the subject of an official investigation.

If there proves to be any evidence of irregularity, the Conclave would be null and the election of Bergoglio would be null, just as all of his appointments, acts of governance, and magisterial utterances would be null. It would be a reset that would providentially bring us back to the status quo ante, with a College of Cardinals composed only of those Cardinals who were appointed up to the time of Benedict XVI, ousting all those who have been created since 2013 who are notoriously ultraprogressive.

Certainly the present situation, with all of the rumors circulating about Ratzinger’s resignation and Bergoglio’s election, does not help the ecclesial body and creates confusion and disorientation among the faithful.

Here too, Catholics can implore the Divine Majesty to spare His Church further humiliations by granting her a good Pope. If there is a Cardinal that really wants to “change the tune,” let him come forward and – for the love of God – may he stop referring to Vatican II and instead think of the sanctification of the Clergy and the faithful.

AMV: In the United States, the Biden Administration is increasingly in trouble, and the President is increasingly showing his inadequacy; and yet, because of alliances and the intersection of interests at the highest level, it seems impossible to bring down this house of cards. What is Trump doing? Can you help us to better understand the American situation, on which you are an expert?

Archbishop Viganò:The Biden Administration is a mirror of the corruption that prevails generally in public affairs with no regard for the immutable moral principles of the Gospel. And if a politician who favors abortion, euthanasia, gender ideology, and all of the worst deviations dares to call himself a Catholic, we must ask what is the responsibility of the teachers, educators, and priests by whom this politician was formed. What did his parish priest teach him in his catechism lessons? What did his professor at his Catholic university teach him? What guidance did the future political leader’s spiritual director give him?

And this brings us back to our starting point: Vatican II, which instead of converting the world to the Church converted the Church to the world, making her evangelization fruitless. There was much talk of the “missionary Church,” but, simultaneously, preaching became the propaganda of fatuous philanthropic ideals, tired leftist ideologies, and empty pacifist slogans. And behold what has emerged from those Jesuit schools, the crème de la crème of Vatican II: people like Pelosi and Biden, who have nothing Catholic about them but present themselves with impunity to receive Communion to the applause of Bishops and even of Bergoglio himself.

The American Episcopate, too careful to please Bergoglio, has indeed been very careful not to condemn the Democratic Party platform, even though it did not hesitate to lash out against President Trump who, even with all his contradictions, definitely defended the principles of the natural law and the sanctity of life in a more effective and convinced way.

The Russian-Ukrainian crisis is showing us a Biden who is a puppet of the deep state, stubbornly preventing peace in the present conflict because he is too concerned with covering up his own scandals and those of his son Hunter: I am thinking for example of Burisma and the American interests in biolabs in Ukraine. If the evidence leads to the indictment of Hunter Biden and proves the involvement of his father Joe, impeachment will be inevitable and amply justified, and this could lead Trump back into power. If, in the meantime, the ongoing investigations demonstrate that there was electoral fraud [in 2020], Trump could be proclaimed President. And this would be a mortal blow for the deep state and the Great Reset.  

AMV: The COVID affair and now the affair of the war in Ukraine have brought to light the existence of profound differences – we could say anthropological differences even before they are cultural and political differences – between those who perceive the problem of the conditioning to which we have been subjected by the constant coordinated action of the “thought bosses” and those who instead accept the dominant narrative and align themselves with the imposed dogmas. Faced with such differences, which are dividing even people united by family ties and friendship, how should we conduct ourselves, as believers, in order to testify to the Truth without yielding to the temptation of the “militarization” of consciences?

Archbishop Viganò: The manipulation of consciences constitutes a real violation of individual liberty, leading to the dulling of his faculties which can in turn affect the morality of his actions. Social psychology teaches that anyone who is subjected to mental conditioning according to specific techniques will end up acting by staggering his judgment or even abstaining from forming a moral evaluation of his actions: think of the driving force of the example of the mass populace, of the power that social judgment exercises over our behavior, of the force of the threat of sanctions that is used to make us “respect the rules,” and conversely of the seduction of prizes and rewards that are used to make us act “socially responsibly.”

This is, for example, the foundation on which the pandemic farce was built, in which all the principles of mass manipulation were implemented with great success, without there being an equivalent mass reaction against them by those who were deprived of rights, work, salary, and the ability to travel.

The faithful, as members of society, also endured the regime propaganda with COVID, with the aggravating circumstance that the civil authorities were ratified and supported by ecclesiastical authority, who therefore led Catholics to uncritically obey the lockdowns, the use of masks, and the administration of a morally unacceptable experimental gene therapy. It must therefore be recognized that responsibility for the acceptance of the psychopandemic and the vaccine campaign rests almost entirely with the Pastors of the Church, and especially with Bergoglio, who makes no secret of his unconditional support for the New World Order, the World Economic Forum, and the globalist ideology.

You speak to me of the “militarization” of consciences as if this was a deplorable thing. Our Lord said: “From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three; father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law” (Lk 12:52-53). And again: “Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his son, and children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by all because of my name; but whoever perseveres to the end will be saved” (Mt 10:21-22).

How can we think that in the face of the unfolding of the forces of evil and the attack of the New World Order against society and against Christ it will be possible to avoid the “militarization” of our consciences, if by this expression we mean giving courageous testimony to Christ, and to Christ Crucified?

The truth is not a club with which to strike those who ignore it, but rather a light that cannot be hidden under a bushel basket, a light that may perhaps dazzle at first, but a light cannot be ignored by people of good will and right conscience. Whoever does not want to see that light – which is always a ray of the one Light of the world who is Christ – takes sides with the darkness and must be helped, with Charity, to come out of the darkness. This is all the more true for our loved ones: their erroneous convictions often crack when they are met by our patient response without animosity, and over time they come to understand that our “conspiracy theory” was simply anticipating with reason and insight those things that shortly thereafter would be public knowledge. Of course, it is easier to understand the deception of the psychopandemic than the much greater deception that was hatched by the Modernists with the Council.