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هام جداً – جديد “Corona Virus” ضرب برمجيات كبار الشركات العالمية والمؤسسات والمستشفيات وبرمجيات الهواتف..!!

شركة “Lynzy Solutions” تنبّه !!

في عزّ الأزمة الصحية التي تضرب كافة دول العالم، والشلل الخطير التي تعانيه القطاعات الإقتصادية لدى معظم الدول، كشفت صفحة “Lynzy Solutions” وجود فيروس كورونا خطير للغاية، يضرب برمجيات الشركات العالمية والهواتف الخليوية.. ما يشلّها نهائياً..

وهنا يدخل للأسف المُبتزّون للكسب المادي، ولا شيء مضمون من إعادة الأمور الى مجاريها.. سيما أنّ الفيروس ضرب متسشفيات في تشيكيا وبريطانيا.. واليكم ما دونتّه صفحة “Lynzy Solutions

Caution ”Cyber Threat in the name of Coronavirus”

There’s a Coronavirus spam campaign, cyber criminals spread it with a purpose to deceive recipients into infecting their computers with malicious programs, one of which, “Ransomware”, a type of software that encrypts your files.

They send you an email that contains either a website link that is designed to download a malicious file/display unreliable content or some malicious attachment. Either way, if opened, those attachments install a malicious program. One of which, “Ransomware”, a type of software that encrypts files so that victims could not decrypt them without a tool that can be purchased from the developers. Simply said, victims of ransomware often lose their data and also their money.

Also, a remote access tool which allows them to take control over the infected computer. This tool can be used to record system keystrokes (keys you press on the keyboard). This feature can be used to steal accounts, credentials and a variety of other personal details, information.

We strongly recommend you to be very cautious, and ignore this email, it has nothing to do with the actual Coronavirus.

This spam campaign variant which is disguised as a letter from World Health Organization (WHO) recommending protective measures against COVID-19 (Corona virus).

The malware spreads through either including some website link or attaching a malicious file to their email.

The Most commonly used file formats are malicious Microsoft Office, PDF document, executable files like .exe, archive files like ZIP, RAR and JavaScript files.

– Coronavirus spread related document (PDF, MP4, and Docx)
– Coronavirus Latest Updates
– Coronavirus: Important info on precautions
– World Health Organization (WHO)
– Malicious websites
– An interactive COVID-19 map by Johns Hopkins University, is an interactive dashboard showing infections and deaths, that was used to spread information-stealing malware.

How to avoid getting infected?

– Make sure your Antivirus software is updated regularly
– Make sure Windows is updated regularly
– Do not download (or install) software through third party downloaders, unofficial websites, Peer-to-Peer networks (e.g., torrent clients, eMule), and other similar tools, sources. It should be done by using official websites and direct links. Installed software should not be updated via unofficial, third party tools. The same applies to activation of licensed (paid) software. Besides, it is not legal to use various unofficial activation (‘cracking’) tools for that and they often cause installation of malware.
– Do not open attachments included in emails that are received from unknown, suspicious addresses. It is worth mentioning that cyber criminals tend to disguise their emails as official, important, legitimate, etc… Attachments and/or website links in emails should be opened only when there is no reason to believe that it may be unsafe.

P.S: There is also a fake Corona virus tracking app available which is actually a ransomware that threatens to leak social media accounts and delete a phone’s storage unless the victim pays $100 in bitcoin
